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Decision making process

The first stage should be free discussion, in which all points of view and all aspects of an issue are openly welcomed and debated. The greater the disagreement and controversy, the more important becomes the word free in free...


Staff meeting

A staff meeting is one in which a supervisor and all of his subordinates participate, and which therefore presents in opportunity for interaction among peers. Peer interaction- especially decision-making by a group of...


2 kinds of meeting for a manager

Managerial roles produce two kinds of meetings. In the first kind of meeting, is process-oriented, knowledge is shared and information is exchanged. Such meetings should take place on a regular basis. The purpose of the second...


Manager Feedback Survey

Section 1. Please respond to the following questions. Feel free to skip any questions you are not comfortable answering, or that are not applicable to you. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 strongly desagree and 5 is strongly agree ) I...


You need some slack

Allow some slack, a bit of looseness, in your scheduling. Highway planners, for example, know that a freeway can handle an optimum number of vehicles. Having fewer cars means that the road is not being used at capacity. But at...


Care about your team

What caring does mean, is doing your best to help your report be successful and fulfilled in her work. It means taking the time to learn what they care about. It means understanding that we are not separate people at work and at...


Trust your team

You can avoid being blindsided by developing a relationship founded on trust, in which your reports feel that they can be completely honest with you because they have no doubt that you truly care about them. My reports regularly...