The first stage should be free discussion, in which all points of view and all aspects of an issue...
Author - admin
Staff meeting
A staff meeting is one in which a supervisor and all of his subordinates participate, and which...
2 kinds of meeting for a manager
Managerial roles produce two kinds of meetings. In the first kind of meeting, is process-oriented...
How many subordinate should a manager have
An important component of managerial leverage is the number of subordinates a manager has. If he...
How to get initial traction in startup and product management?
Who never ask himself while looking at the ceiling: How can I get more users? Based on the...
Manager Feedback Survey
Section 1. Please respond to the following questions. Feel free to skip any questions you are not...
Identify what makes a great manager
Back in 2008, an internal team of researchers launched Project Oxygen – an effort to determine what...
You need some slack
Allow some slack, a bit of looseness, in your scheduling. Highway planners, for example, know that...
Care about your team
What caring does mean, is doing your best to help your report be successful and fulfilled in her...
Trust your team
You can avoid being blindsided by developing a relationship founded on trust, in which your reports...